Saturday, November 28, 2009

Let’s listen for the songs~~~

  1. Taegoon 태군 - Call Me

  2. Nobody - Wonder Girls Mv

  3. Coldplay Performing The Scientist Live

  4. Super Junior-m - Super Girl

  5. Wonder Girls - So Hot

  6. Lady Gaga - Paparazzi

  7. 我問天-翁立友

  8. 王識賢 & 孫淑媚-雲中月圓

  9. 海鸣威, 泳儿 - 我的回忆不是我的

  10. Tank- 如果我变成回忆 Mv
  11. 黃義達-那女孩對我說

  12. 神木與瞳 Live Band音乐会 - 为你而活

  13. 你最珍貴 Ni Zui Zhen Gui

  14. S.h.e—安靜了mv

  15. 黃義達 - 藍天

  16. Will Pan - 雙人舞 Mv

  17. Angela Aki - Tegami ~haikei Juugo No Kimi E~
Hey,all G4 members!Try check out the MyPod Touch beside this post!
There are a lot of songs u all like to sing always.
The songs title are as above,hope u all enjoy~~

1 comment:

  1. nice to c our class have a blog ^_^.
    Lets keep it up k :)
